Over half of us got our co-op placement in the 1st or 2nd round and 81% of us found our job through WaterlooWorks. Looks like WaterlooWorks really does work!
67% of us had an in-person job, while 33% of us had a remote job. Among those who had in-person jobs, most were located in the GTA.
Software Development was the most popular choice for co-op placements during this term. This was likely due to the large amount of software-related job postings on WaterlooWorks and the high demand for software engineering skills in the job market (during the time of application).
The overall average pay for this term was $22/hr, with the lowest reported pay being $17/hr and the highest being $33.9/hr. Product Management had the highest median co-op pay among all job sectors this term.
Note: This data set, and the following data sets pertaining to co-op pay, exclude respondents who reported being unemployed or doing an unpaid co-op.
There doesn't appear to be any correlation between grades and co-op pay. In other words, achieving high grades does not necessarily result in higher pay during co-op.
This chart aims to explore the relationship between job compensation and satisfaction, where a score of 1 indicates extreme dissatisfaction and 5 indicates extreme satisfaction.
While the data reveals a discernible pattern, it is worth noting that all individuals earning more than $24/hr rated their satisfaction level 4 or higher. Maybe money does buy happiness after all 🤷♀️